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Monday, June 20, 2011

SHM brings DC to STC

If you so happen to find yourself in the St. Cloud area this summer, be sure to make a stop at Stearns History Museum. They've just opened a new exhibit, "The Working White House: 200 Years of Traditions and Memories" that shines light on those working within the Executive Mansion. They even have the tie that JFK had in his pocket when he was assasinated and the gloves  Robert Kennedy wore to his funeral.

The extra cool thing about this exhibit is that they've paired it with a children's day camp. The kids work on their White House Garden, which was started after Michelle Obama launched her Let's Move! Museums & Gardens. The kids will be working on their garden throughout the summer, which is the same time The Working White House exhibit lasts. The exhibit closes August 28.

Be sure to read the article here for the rest of the info!