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Sunday, April 10, 2011

And the season is officially under way!

While I'm not one to follow sports, I do like almost everything that surrounds them-- excluding the parking and traffic issues, angry fans, over-priced concession and bad, expensive beer to name a few!
So, if that's the case, what do I like about them? There seems to be something in the air when people gather to see these over-payed athletes hit, throw, or kick a ball around. Something infectious that gets the spirits sky high, regardless of the weather-- even though we did luck out this year.
Target Field and Peavey Plaza were over-flowing with all the Twins fans this year. I even had one passerby ask me what was going on and why there were so many people everywhere. Apparently the Mauer, Cuddyer, and Morneau jerseys weren't enough of a hint.