I'll give you a bit more here than what you'll see in the papers.

Check out my portfolio here!

Monday, February 28, 2011

My How Time Has Passed

Nearly a year later... and here I am! I've decided to resurrect my blogger because it has something different to offer than my website or Twitter. I will be posting things-- past and present-- that I find interesting or some of my favorite things. 
So keep your eyes peeled and check back often because I will be doing my best to post regularly!

So what have I been up to for a year?!

I was an intern at City Pages over the summer.... oh and it was amazing! Tons of concerts, sporting events and restaurant shoots!
Bight Club at First Avenue

Thao and Mirah With The Most Of All at The Cedar

Twins Baseball at Target Field

Twins Baseball at Target Field

Panorama of Target Field- 10 photos merged into 1

Dixies On Grand


I spent a month interning at Delta Sky Magazine working on a short-term project. I worked on a team to launch a Google Chrome application. Check it out here!

I had a very short break from the end of September into the beginning of 2011. I worked on a few pieces for City Pages and paid attention to my studies and worked on getting things together for my summer internship applications.

Since January, I've been at Minnesota Premier Publications. My efforts at photo intern have mainly gone to The Journal and The Southwest Journal, but have had a few photos in one if MPP's monthly magazines- Minnesota Parent.
They've been keeping me very busy and I've been loving it every minute of it!
Blackbird Cafe


Block E -- (of course there HAD to be a certain hardware store ad right as I took the shot)


Stewart Woodman -- Heidi's

Stewart Woodman -- Heidi's

Ice Skating Party -- Logan Park

Ice Skating Party -- Logan Park

Taylor of Latinas de Lyndale

Narcissa and Rosa at Latinas de Lyndal

Carrie and Andrew Bell of Twin Town Guitars

Like I said.... very busy! Only a couple more month left though and I'll be on to my next internship...