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Sunday, March 13, 2011

Unleashing 73 years in minutes

A time capsule is something you usually only hear about in books or from your third grade teacher when you have to write a letter to yourself in September and you get it back in June.

However, a time capsule isn't so cheesy when its something put away and hidden within a building in 1938 and found 73 years later.

Salem English Lutheran Church found the time capsule in a corner stone during deconstruction. The copper box had to be sawed open only to find it to be jam-packed with artifacts about the church in 1938.

It held newspaper clippings, stamps, photographs, bulletins, coins, and the names of every parishioner hand-written on small pieces of paper. I was hoping to a cancer vaccine inside the capsule, but the looks of excitement on everyone's faces was just as cool.

Keep an eye out for the story by Aaron Rupar with all the extra details in the April 4 edition of the Southwest Journal!